More than Successful

We Help People Live Fully.



Every compass has 4 points - the absolute essentials to find direction. These are ours.


All leaders have limits. Knowing your limits improves your leadership. Fundamentally, people follow you because of your judgment.


Success is a burden, not a benefit. We do not help people become successful; We help leaders live in their success.


Clarity is when you can describe both who you are and how you are as a leader, and the unique impact you have on others.


Leaders are like DNA; No two are a like. Our approach takes into account the unique complexity of each individual and organization.




Not Just wHO You Are, But HOW you are

“I am a leader, I am a CEO of a company. And I have technical knowledge that allows me to be successful in that role. But the technical knowledge is less important, I think, at this level for me and my executive team.”


Sometimes Leaders Get Lost

Leaders may be as busy, skilled, and productive as ever. But when they are completely honest, they might admit to not being so certain anymore about the direction and the why behind their pursuit.

They might even say that they’ve lost sight of who they are, thereby forgetting what they are searching for and why.

They can lose their orientation in the vastness of life and success.

Orientation Before Navigation

Bespoke Compass is designed to offer leaders clarity in the form of a tailor-made compass to help them make decisions and navigate life better.

Leadership begins with an honest and courageous deep-dive into oneself. When leaders live an examined life, everyone around them benefits. Whether good or bad, leadership impacts others. The ripple effect knows no bounds.

it’s lonely at the top

After Success, then what?

Success elevates, but also isolates. There is always a cost for leading the pack, both positive and negative. We believe there is a better way to lead and it balances the performer and person within us.

Is this a Good fit for you?

While what we offer is significant, we do not believe it is relevant for the life of every leader. Therefore, we take the time for an exploratory call to evaluate if what we offer will be both significant and relevant to you.